неделя, 21 октомври 2018 г.

Why did Chelsea drop Mbappe?

One of the world`s greatest talents, Kylian Mbappe, was close to becoming a Chelsea player in 2012 when he was just 13 years old. This reveals the former Chelsea scout Daniel God, who has noticed the qualities of the Frenchman and invited him to take samples within a week. Even then, Mbappe has demonstrated his ball capabilities, but the club has asked after some time the talent to come for another trial period to make sure he can handle the peculiarities of English football. Mbappe`s mother, who accompanied him to London, however, has refused her son to run a second trial, and has said that Chelsea should take Mbappe at the same time, or five years later, the club from partners of soccer live matches will come back for him and will have topaid 50 million euros. Here is the interesting story of God about the failed transfer: `I brought him here with his family, he was as talented as he is, playing against Charlton and defeating with 7:0, and then meeting in the office a week later. We told them: "Look, we appreciate what we saw from you, but we want to invite you for another trial and then we`ll see.". I remember what my mother said to us that day, she was speaking in French, and I was translating. She said, `My boy will not come for more trials. If they want it, they have to take it now or they will return in five years when they have to pay 50 million euros for him. `

God who did not translate these words to the mother then added: `He had many qualities, but in England they want to see that the player can go back and work hard on the pitch. At that time he did not. The defensive plan was not at that level. When he owned the ball, it was incredible, but without a ball he did not make much effort. Chelsea wanted to see him again to see if he could evolve in that direction. I think that`s why they wanted to come back. They had to take it. But that`s easy to say now. At that time Chelsea had a very good team.`

четвъртък, 4 октомври 2018 г.

Monfils with a new disappointment on clay

Host representative Gael Monfils was eliminated in the first round of the red court tennis tournament mentioned by buy soccer picks in the French city of Lyon with a prize pool of 501, 000 euros.